
WTW: Soft & Sexy

Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scarves and knee high boots are making their appearance these days, which means Fall is here! I would say winter, but we all know Houston winter doesn’t really start until mid January, and it lasts for about a month. haha

The days are shorter, which means I wake up when it’s dark and then by the time I get home and settled it’s starting to get dark again. I don’t know about you but the first thing I want to do when I get home these days is throw on some yoga pants, take my bra off (let’s get real for a second) and dig out a comfy over-sized sweater from the back of my closet. Afterall – my DVR is loaded with Revenge, Scandal and Modern Family episodes that I NEED to catch up on. (Yes, those are my guilty pleasures, don’t judge, you know you “accidentally” leave on Real Housewives when you are cleaning the house too.) 

Speaking of warm and comfy clothes, this week on my What to Wear (WTW) series it’s all about that comfy over-sized sweater! Check out the following three options and let me know which one you think fits your style!

Click on the image below to see links of where to buy each of these items!


As you can see it is absolutely possible to make a sweater sexy, just pair it with some cotton panties, fun socks and you are good to go! Grab a knit sweater that is a tad sheer to add even more sex appeal.

Veering away from the traditional lingerie look can still be uber sexy but a fun way to mix things up. So as the season is changing and the air is getting a little more cooler keep these looks in mind.

Which one is your favorite? Comment below!



Written by Sontera Mader

Sontera is a graduate from Sam Houston State University with a Bachelor of Fine Art degree in Photography. She photographed her first boudoir session in 2008 and has had a passion for it ever since then!


My name is Sontera and I’m the owner + creator + photographer of LIGHTHOUSE BOUDOIR located in Houston, Texas.

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