
New Studio: Update

Houston Boudoir Studio

Lighthouse Boudoir Has a Home!

It’s been about 5 months since I’ve moved into the new studio and it’s really starting to feel like home. Since opening our doors in January we’ve had 32 boudoir shoots! Wahoo! The #1 Houston Boudoir Studio

Houston Boudoir Studio | Lighthouse Boudoir Photography

I have received great feedback from my clients. They love the unique loft feel that the exposed brick walls and hardwood floors give the space. How blessed am I to be able to do my dream job in this amazing space!?

Curious about what the building and studio look like? Checkout this fun time-lapse video tour of the Vine Street Studio building…



FLASHBACK to early January and it was a hot hot mess! I made waaaay too many trips to Ikea, Target and my favorite Marshall’s Homegoods.

Houston Boudoir Studio | Lighthouse Boudoir

All that work was definitely worth it though because it turned out fabulous! We now have several different shooting areas (or sets) and the consultation area is working perfectly to display my products samples.

Houston Boudoir Studio | Lighthouse Boudoir

It’s amazing how nice it feels to really have a home. I can’t believe it was only a few months ago that I was lugging my samples around various coffee shops in town to meet with clients. Now when I meet with clients we can proudly scroll through their photos together without the fear of some stranger taking a peak.

Houston Boudoir Studio | Lighthouse Boudoir

To see more fun behind the scenes moments at the studio follow me on Instagram @sontera or checkout #LighthouseBoudoir

Houston Boudoir Studio | Lighthouse Boudoir




Written by Sontera Mader

Sontera is a graduate from Sam Houston State University with a Bachelor of Fine Art degree in Photography. She photographed her first boudoir session in 2008 and has had a passion for it ever since then!


My name is Sontera and I’m the owner + creator + photographer of LIGHTHOUSE BOUDOIR located in Houston, Texas.

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